The place was missing a clear identification for the arriving guests so they needed something that is very clear, welcoming people and also tells people seeing the sign what other services available within the resort.
As always the designing process started with drawing by hand.
When I had some ideas that I can work with I started drawing everything on the computer. I also wanted to find the way how to feature the place on the poster for someone who never been here before. I then used one of the aerial shots of the peninsula where the golf resort was viewed in its’ picturesque surroundings. I have decided to work with the color blue to reflect the beachy feeling of Matarangi. Blue skies, blue ocean all around here…

And here is the final product on the corner of the property next to the main road as people driving towards the place. In the background one of the villa unit and one of the golf hole (no. 7) is visible.
The final sign is around 2.4m wide.