
Custom made map design

The whole thing started with a gap in the tourism market in the wider Matarangi area. The place, Matarangi is as close to paradise as it can get. The trouble was, no information was available for tourists e.g.: a map that would give you ideas of what to do while here. So I got to work and made progress.

My initial idea started with hand drawing as always. This is how I start with the design process. Just to put ideas down to physical form before they fade away…


The main page is with details about  the Matarangi peninsula and on the back side there are details about the wider Matarangi region.

The design is a two sided fold down map so it fits in the pocket. Distributed on five locations within the region for free. One of the core purpose of the map was to feature support local businesses (e.g.: restaurant, activities) to support them.

There are actually 3 maps included. When folded it shows the viewer The Coromandel peninsula and Matarangi placed on the map clearly for direction. And folded out you have the wider and the closer Matarangi region featured.

And the digital version of it.

matarangi area map 3-01-page-001

matarangi larger area map 3-01-page-001

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