An open letter to business owners

Dear Business Owner.

You probably hear it all the time – “Your business needs marketing.”

The trouble is that marketing is a vast subject. And because every business case is different, there is no one-fits-all magic solution. So. How would you, the business owner, know which marketing area would benefit your business?

Everyone tries selling us the idea that our marketing lacks the right tool, hack, and “solution” to generate customers/money.

You probably already have heard the advice:

  • “You must keep posting daily on social media.”
  • “You need TikTok ’cause it is hot right now.”
  • You have to advertise on Facebook.”
  • Without a logo, do not even start.”
  • Produce high-quality content.”
  • You need the right funnel to convert buyers.”

…and so on

Here is the cold truth, though!

Though all of the above is marketing, none is essential to your business to generate sales.

Your business needs well-built foundations. Everything else is irrelevant before the basics.

What are the basics? – you might ask.

  • Clear goals, matched to your current marketing efforts, are “the basics”.
  • Or a defined target audience(s).
  • A clear as day marketing strategy.
  • A well-functioning website and a well-optimised Google Business profile are that. When done well, these two can generate new customers and revenue for years to come.

These require minimum effort and are free.

Why does no marketer tell you this?

Because to understand YOUR business and see where you want to take it, a good marketer needs to spend time with you. And help you make you realise.  

Before ANY marketing advice, marketers should listen, not talk. Period.

I do this here at Shopographic. I listen, audit, suggest, and then help to build solid foundations.

If you are interested and want to know more about my services, go back to the home page and read the details. I am happy to be contacted through email or phone.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter.

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